Coastal Matters Speaker Series: Green Transition Fund

Date: March 1, 2024
Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Location: RA Pollett Building, 61 Riverside Drive, Corner Brook

Please join ACAP Humber Arm for its next Coastal Matter’s Speaker’s Series where we will learn more about the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Green Transition Fund.

This Coastal Matter’s session will take place 12noon – 1:30pm, Friday, March 1st in the Boardroom, 2nd Floor of RA Pollett Building, 61 Riverside Drive, Corner Brook. Guest speaker is Bruce Billard, Manager Green Transition, with the NL Department of Industry, Energy & Technology. While there is no registration fee please rsvp via email to

This session is offered in partnership with econext and OceansAdvance.

The Green Transition Fund
The Green Transition Fund provides financial support to businesses, organizations, post-secondary institutions, and industry associations to assist with the province’s transition to a green economy. The program will de-risk commercial and non-commercial activities that facilitate collaboration, investment, and industry growth required for the transition.
The Green Transition Fund targets the greening of commercial operations in traditional sectors and development of new opportunities related to the growth of a green economy. The program supports research and development projects related to green transition and green economy supply chain improvement. The program includes streams for projects led by Indigenous and rural proponents that are focused on a green economic transition.

DEI Training Part 3: Allyship

Join us for an exciting online event where we dive deep into the world of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The DEI Learning Series is your chance to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights in the world of DEI.

Part 3: Allyship

Date: March 6, 2024
Time: 10:30 – 12pm
Cost: Free

econext welcomes expert facilitators from the Women in Resource Development Corporation (WRDC) to provide this training. By attending this training, you’ll develop valuable skills to foster a more inclusive and equitable environment in your workplace.


This training focuses on the significance of allyship and what it means to be an ally in the workplace. Participants gain insights into different types of allies and acquire practical strategies for acting in allyship with groups and communities that experience discrimination and exclusion, both socially and economically. Real-life case studies are used to facilitate these learnings and key takeaways are shared for immediate implementation.

This is part 3 of a 3 part DEI training series offered by WRDC and econext. Missed the first one? Can’t make both upcoming sessions? Don’t sweat it! Attending all three sessions is encouraged however it is not required.

Register Here

DEI Training Part 2: Microagressions

Join us for an exciting online event where we dive deep into the world of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The DEI Learning Series is your chance to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights in the world of DEI.

Part 2: Microaggressions

Date: February 1, 2024
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Cost: Free

econext welcomes expert facilitators from the Women in Resource Development Corporation (WRDC) to provide this training. By attending this training, you’ll develop valuable skills to foster a more inclusive and equitable environment in your workplace.


This training enlightens participants about microaggressions and their occurrence in the workplace. It helps individuals recognize the importance of addressing microaggressions, understand their impact on individuals, and learn practical strategies to navigate them effectively – whether as a target, bystander, or even a microaggressor.

This is part 2 of a 3 part DEI training series offered by WRDC and econext. Missed the first one? Can’t make both upcoming sessions? Don’t sweat it! Attending all three sessions is encouraged however it is not required.

Register Here

econext ideathon | March 1-3, 2024 | Corner Brook

This event took place March 1-3, 2024. Click here to read the news release which summarizes the event and highlights the winning teams!

econext Clean Growth Ideathon

Embrace the Future of Clean Growth! econext is thrilled to announce it’s second ideathon, paving the way for innovative solutions that will drive sustainable progress in Newfoundland and Labrador. This time, we are teaming up with Navigate Entrepreneurship Centre and Memorial University’s Centre for Social Enterprise, and heading to Corner Brook! The weekend-long event, open to students enrolled in a university or college program in NL, will be taking place in-person March 1-3, 2024.


Challenge – From an NL perspective, determine a problematic waste stream and develop an innovative solution for reducing and/or repurposing the waste material

View the econext opening ceremony slideshow here to learn about the event logistics.

View the challenge slideshow here.

View the mentor’s schedule here.


What is an ideathon?

Ideathons are competitive events in which students work together in teams over a short timeframe to come up with solutions to a set challenge. Our ideathons are a space to develop innovative solutions for clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The specific challenge, relating to clean growth, will be released at the beginning of the weekend where we will provide you with all the necessary information needed to participate.

Teams will consist of 3-5 students.

Learn more about our previous ideathon here.

Who can participate?

This is a multi-disciplinary event and we welcome any students enrolled in a university or college program of study in Newfoundland and Labrador to participate. If you are interested in clean growth, we encourage you to join us!

When and where?

The ideathon will take place in-person at Memorial University Grenfell Campus over a 48-hour period from March 1-3, 2024.

We encourage students to stay on campus while working to take part in workshops and activities and to benefit from mentors.

Why should you participate?

  • We will be awarding cash prizes to the top three teams:  $3,000 for 1st Place, $2,000 for 2nd Place, and $1,000 for 3rd Place! PLUS more non-tangible prizes.
  • Network with people in the industry as well as your peers
  • Workshop opportunities
  • Learn about the clean growth industry
  • Team building
  • You will be provided with free meals, snacks, and swag
  • Group activities
  • Have some fun!

How to register?

Click Here to Register!

Registration is individual, but you will be required to work on teams of 3-5 students. Submission of teams will take place on the evening of Friday March 1. If you have already established a team, you will be required to submit your teams then. If you haven’t already established a team, there will be opportunity throughout the evening to network to form teams. We will assist in matching individuals to teams as needed.

Deadline to register is February 26, 2024. Click Here to Register!

Registration is completely free!

What is the schedule?

Our ideathon is a 48-hour event, beginning on Friday, March 1 at 5pm and ending on Sunday, March 3 at 5pm.

Have questions?

Reach out to Alex Rumbolt at or Chelsea Linfield at

Stay tuned for more information! We will be updating this page in the coming weeks as the ideathon approaches.


The econext Ideathon was made possible through partnership with the Business + Higher Education Roundtable, and with support from the Government of Canada.

Caribbean Business Opportunities Seminar

Hear from Trade Commissioners from Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, and the Caribbean Development Bank

Date: January 22, 2024
Time: 8:30am – 10:30am
Location: Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Cost: Free

Register Now

Event Agenda

8:30 – Registration/Coffee

8:45 – Welcome and Introduction
Abbie Hodder, econext

9:00 – Market Overview and Business Opportunities in the Eastern Caribbean
Tammy Brathwaite, High Commission of Canada

9:15 – Doing Business with the Caribbean Development Bank
Christine P. Mohammed, Caribbean Development Bank

10:15 – Coffee Break

10:30 – One-on-Ones
Separate registration required – contact to register.

Cleantech Innovation Webinar: Iceland and Newfoundland and Labrador

Join econext and the Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa for a webinar on January 16 to explore cleantech innovation collaboration opportunities between Newfoundland and Labrador and Iceland.

Building on the visit to St. John’s, NL by Iceland’s President and First Lady in May of 2023, this free webinar will feature presentations from a series of Icelandic cleantech and renewable energy companies and highlight an existing partnership between Iceland’s national power company and Newfoundland’s own Growler Energy.

Featuring presentations from:

Landsvirkjun is the National Power Company of Iceland and operates 18 power stations in Iceland concentrated on five main areas of operation.

Carbon Recycling International is the globally-recognixed leader in CO2 to methanol technology, operating at industrial scale since 2012.

IceWind develops robust vertical axis wind turbines, designed to withstand all weather conditions and be installed in even the most remote locations.

Carbfix provides a natural and permanent storage solution by turning CO2 into stone underground in less than two years.

Laki Power creates line-powered monitoring systems for overhead power lines, offering innovative solutions to some of today’s most pressing challenges faced by power grid operators.

The Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster is the cluster organization for the whole energy industry in Iceland, a joint platform for both public and private entities and institutions of the whole value chain.

Growler Energy is a Newfoundland and Labrador based company focused on unlocking the unlimited potential of renewable resources and clean energy.

econext accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador, working on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development.


Date: January 16, 2024
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm NST

Register Now!

Webinar Agenda

Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • econext (NL)
  • Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa (IS)

Renewable Energy

  • Landsvirkjun (IS) & Growler Energy (NL)
  • IceWind (IS)
  • Q&A

Clean Technology

  • Carbfix (IS)
  • Carbon Recycling International (IS)
  • Laki Power (IS)
  • Q&A

The Power of Cluster Collaboration

  • Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster (IS)

Closing Remarks

WEBINAR: Newfoundland and Labrador’s Green Technology Tax Credit

Are you interested in learning about the tax credit available for green technology in Newfoundland and Labrador? Tune in to our free webinar!

Date: Thursday January 11, 2024
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 AM NST
Cost: FREE!

econext welcomes Mark Hatfield from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Finance to chat about the green technology tax credit which was introduced in Budget 2022. The webinar will delve into a number of topics including qualified investments, eligibility, financial aspects of the tax credit, and the application process.

Register Now!

If you have any questions about this webinar, please contact Jenny Mallard by email at

econext Members Holiday Social

You’re Invited!

It’s that time of year again! econext cordially invites you to our annual Members Holiday Social!

Our social will be held on Tuesday December 5th, 2023 from 5:00 – 7:30 PM @ Gypsy Tea Room, located at 315 Water Street.

In lieu of a ticket cost, econext is raising funds for the Community Food Sharing Association. Donations can be made through the registration page on Eventbrite, linked below.

We are looking forward to hosting our membership, stakeholders and partners for some holiday cheer. Our networking events continue to provide amazing opportunities to meet new contributors in clean growth, chat with familiar faces, and enjoy some food and drink on us!

Register Now!

Interested in partnering with econext on this event? For more details, please contact Colin Heffernan, Manager of Industry and Community Engagement, by e-mail at

Webinar: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Training Part I – Unconscious Bias

Join us for an engaging and eye-opening online event on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 1:00 PM NST. In this session, we will delve into the world of unconscious bias and its impact on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Through interactive exercises and thought-provoking discussions, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how unconscious biases shape our perceptions and decisions.

econext welcomes expert facilitators from Women in Resource Development Corporation (WRDC) to provide this training. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your DEI knowledge and contribute to a more inclusive workplace. Register now and be part of the change!

This is the first of a three-part DEI training series offered by WRDC and econext. We would encourage you to attend all three sessions for maximum value, however it is not required.

For more information, please contact Jenny Mallard at

Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Time: 1:00pm NST
Location: Online

Register Now!

Regional Climate Workshop – Pasadena

Are you concerned about the impact climate change will have on your community and region? Do you have some ideas for adaptation strategies?

The Harris Centre, in partnership with econext and CLIMAtlantic, are hosting a series of regional workshops in 2023 to discuss the impacts and opportunities associated with climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The focus of these sessions will be to discuss the effects of climate change at a regional level, to explore regional options for climate adaptation, and identify potential regional development opportunities related to climate action. These sessions will build on and utilize information gathered during the Harris Centre’s Forecast NL initiative along with resources available through CLIMAtlantic.

The intent of these workshops is to:

  • Engage community members and stakeholders from different NL regions and sectors in a mutually beneficial exchange of information around climate change adaptation priorities, approaches, resources and outstanding questions.
  • Produce summaries of regional discussions that can be used by local and provincial organizations to inform their planning and provision of technical assistance resources toward the issues of highest interest, priority and need.
  • Provide opportunities for workshop participants to collectively identify adaptation strategies and actions they could pursue together in their region.
  • Highlight opportunities for the collection and dissemination of additional information – either already existing or developed through new research – focused on key questions and topics identified by community members and stakeholders.

Port aux Basques

Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 11:30am – 2:30pm
Venue: College of the North Atlantic Campus
Lunch Provided

Click to Register

Codroy Valley

Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Venue: Wetland Interpretation Center
Co-hosted by the Codroy Valley Area Development Association
Lunch Provided

Click to Register


Date: November 9, 2023
Time: 11:30am – 2:00pm
Venue: Legion Hall
Lunch Provided

Click to Register