RFP: CO2 Storage Assessment Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is being issued by the Oil and Gas Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador (“Oilco”) and its partners Energy NL and econext, collectively who have formed The Net Zero Project to assess the technical and economic implications of achieving net zero emissions offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. This client group is interested in having prospective proponents submit proposals for a CO2 Storage Resource Assessment Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Click to Download the RFP

More information can be found on MERX at: https://www.merx.com/govnl/solicitations/open-bids/CO2-Storage-Assessment-Offshore-Newfoundland-and-Labrador-Canada/0000231738?origin=0

Meet with Wales Business Delegates in St John’s – September 15-16

A Welsh businesses delegation is traveling to Newfoundland and Labrador in September seeking collaboration with like minded partners. Wales has a similar profile to NL in terms of scale and business types. Some of the businesses have products / services that might be of interest to econext members. The visiting businesses include:

Menter Môn https://www.mentermon.com/en/ is a not-for-profit social enterprise that delivers projects and services across Northwest Wales. They are working across the renewables supply chain as they are the host organisation for the Tidal Morlais project. Morlais is the largest UK tidal energy development run by a social enterprise. Mentor Mon is also involved in wind; solar and Hydrogen projects, open to sharing their experiences.

Real Ice https://www.realice.eco/ is a company that is developing innovative renewable energy powered devices to help re-ice the arctic. Their devices use renewable energy sources to pump sea water from below the ice and drip & spray it on top as a new ice layer. They are looking at hydrogen powered devices to provide the backbone of the technology. They are looking for partners in Canada.

Gaia Hire https://gaiagroupuk.com/ are in the business of supporting construction site to reduce their CO2 and fuel usage by up to 80%. They are seeking to work with construction firms.

KnitMesh Technologies https://knitmeshtechnologies.com/ manufactures bespoke knitted mesh for use in hydrogen production processes such as water electrolysis, fuel cells, chlor-alkali and power-to-gas. They are open to working with those involved in Hydrogen production.

TOMOE Valves https://tomoeeurope.com/ has become a leader in the production of high quality and technically advanced butterfly valves, actuators and control systems. TOMOE products can be found operating in a wide range of industries worldwide including oil & gas, petrochemical, marine, water treatment, building services, food & beverage and power generation, forming a trusted and reliable part of the process in each and every application. They are looking at valves applications for clean tech.

Should you have an interest in meeting any of the Wales delegate companies, please contact mission organizer Tony Aggarwal of Kinetic Cubed at taggarwal@kinetic3.co.uk.

Caribbean Fall Trade Mission | November 21-25, 2022

econext, in partnership with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) and the Department of Industry, Energy, and Technology (IET), is continuing its work assisting firms in the investigation of and pursuit of international business opportunities in the Caribbean region, with particular focus on the Green and Blue Economies.

Registration will be closing September 16, 2022 for the Fall mission to the Caribbean region with an intent to focus travel primarily around the business week of November 21-25, 2022.

Each delegate firm/organization may select to receive support services in up to two markets.

What's Included

Participants in this trade mission will receive:

  • Matchmaking and Mission Support provided by Amber Mackereth Consulting
  • Hotel Block/Group Rate*
  • Airport Transfers In-Market
  • Networking Reception(s)*
  • Ground Transportation to Off-Site Meetings
  • In-market Debriefs/Troubleshooting Sessions*
  • Mission Follow-Up Services/After-Care
  • Travel Stipend: Delegates are responsible for their own travel costs. However, a travel subsidy from IET may be available for eligible NL participants.

*in anchor markets/markets with sufficient delegate presence

Interested in participating in the mission to do your own follow-up meetings? Consider registration as an Associate Delegate!

Contact abbie@econext.ca to register as an Associate Delegate


To register for the Fall mission, companies must meet the following criteria:

  • Clear financial standing with econext and its funding partners ACOA and IET
  • Completion of registration form and mission profile
  • Confirmed payment of registration fee – $600.00 + HST for Full Delegate | $200.00 + HST for Associate Delegate
  • Demonstrated export readiness/market research
  • Confirmation of flight itinerary by October 7, 2022.

It is highly recommended that firms considering this trade mission have completed preliminary market analysis/research.

COVID-19 Considerations

The guidelines put in place by the Government of Canada as identified under Global Affairs Canada Travel Advisory and Advice must be adhered to including any other travel restrictions and protocols that may apply: https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories

Eligible Markets: While target markets are customizable, destinations will only be considered eligible when the travel advisory is set at risk level one or two.

Companies will be expected to exercise due diligence when selecting markets and planning travel.
Public health guidance including mask mandates and entry/exit requirements will vary between jurisdictions.
econext and its partners assume no responsibility, in whole or in part, for delegate travel complications, delays, or interruptions including those related to health restrictions.

Delegates are strongly encouraged to consult with their travel insurance providers prior to travel.

The following links provide additional information related to international travel. Please refer to the Government of Canada’s links for the latest travel restrictions, exemptions, and advice:



What are the target markets for this mission?

Our missions are customizable! We believe that each delegate should select markets that make sense based on your own objectives and market research instead. Receptions, briefing sessions, etc. will take place in “anchor markets”, or markets seeing significant delegate presence.

What happens if public health guidance changes regarding non-essential travel?

Should econext decide that travel to the region is no longer advisable prior to the creation of mission meeting programs, the mission may be postponed.

If travel restrictions change after matchmaking has begun, the mission may pivot to a virtual format. It takes considerable time and effort to create and confirm tailored meeting programs, and delegates will be expected to devote similar attention and effort to the execution of a virtual program if need be.


Click Here to Register!

Registration deadline for this mission is September 16, 2022, however early registration is encouraged!

*Please note that there are a limited number of spaces available for this opportunity and that meeting the minimum eligibility criteria does not guarantee registration.*

If you have any questions about the econext Fall Mission, Please Contact Abbie at abbie@econext.ca.

econext’s Fall Mission to the Caribbean is taking place the week of November 21-25

Click here to learn more!

CANCarib Climate Smart Opportunities Summit – Doing Business Bootcamp

The High Commission of Canada in Jamaica is hosting the inaugural CANCarib Climate Smart Opportunities Summit (CCSOS), a high-level (hybrid) business initiative for Canadian companies, targeting the portfolio of cleantech and associated infrastructure projects in Jamaica. The CCSOS has three (3) components, zeroing in on facilitation of eligible/interested TCS clients with sectoral and market capacity. The components are as follows:

Part I: Opportunities Roundtable – July 6, 2022 – 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Part II: Doing Business Boot-Camp – September 20, 2022

  • This virtual session is intended to provide a full orientation on doing business in Jamaica, to equip Canadian companies with information, processes, tools and tips, the legal process, business development, potential local partners, local project financing/banking, licenses/permits, work permits, etc. when doing business in Jamaica. Presenters will include local officials and experts, facilitated by the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) at the High Commission of Canada in Kingston, Jamaica.

Part III: Business-2-Business Forum – October 20, 2022

Learn more and register

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Innovation Challenge: Reducing Plastic Waste in Aquaculture

econext and the Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association (NAIA) have partnered with the Ocean Startup Project to design and promote three challenges for its 2022 Ocean Startup Challenge.

The Ocean Startup Challenge helps turn entrepreneurial ideas or technology into a wave of opportunity! For 2022, the Ocean Startup Challenge is focusing on idea/early stage ocean startups with a TRL of 4 and below, and supporting innovators who are leveraging Canadian ocean assets and capabilities to develop technologies that can be applied to global ocean problems.

Winning teams will receive up to $40,000 in awards, with invaluable business development supports with programming, mentorship, one-on-one sessions with our Executives-in-Residence and industry experts, networking opportunities and more, as part of the program, which runs until March 2023.


Develop a technology and/or process that allows for finding value in or alternative disposal methods for plastic wastes associated with aquaculture operations.

Aquaculture is among the fastest-growing food sectors in the world, accounting for more than 50 per cent of the world’s total seafood production. Increased production also impacts the volume of plastics to be recycled or responsibly disposed of, from harvesting and production processes. Plastic waste is the biggest waste challenge in the aquaculture sector, particularly feedbags. Lack of recycling capacity in rural areas, as well as Tipping fees and transportation costs are considerations, with landfill operators also keen to find alternative solutions. Beyond feedbags, other plastic wastes have to be managed by the sector. Industry reports significant volumes of mixed plastics stockpiled comprising of floats, rope, old cage netting etc.

Application deadline: Thursday, September 1, 2022

More Information

Innovation Challenge: Smart Ports

The Net Zero Project has partnered with the Ocean Startup Project to design and promote three challenges for its 2022 Ocean Startup Challenge.

The Ocean Startup Challenge helps turn entrepreneurial ideas or technology into a wave of opportunity! For 2022, the Ocean Startup Challenge is focusing on idea/early stage ocean startups with a TRL of 4 and below, and supporting innovators who are leveraging Canadian ocean assets and capabilities to develop technologies that can be applied to global ocean problems.

Winning teams will receive up to $40,000 in awards, with invaluable business development supports with programming, mentorship, one-on-one sessions with our Executives-in-Residence and industry experts, networking opportunities and more, as part of the program, which runs until March 2023.


Develop a technology and/or process that allows ports to maximize the role that they can play in electricity supply and demand management to the benefit of electricity grids.

Ports in Canada will play an important role in the pursuit of net zero. Through the use and provision of electrification and/or clean fuels, their infrastructure will be key in decarbonizing marine transportation and industry and economic activity that relies on marine transportation. Some ports will become hubs for the export of hydrogen or other clean fuels. With ports prospectively featuring substantive energy storage infrastructure, it is possible for them to play an important role in helping to levelize and manage grid electricity demand.

Application deadline: Thursday, September 1, 2022

More Information

Innovation Challenge: Digital Asset Integrity for Subsea Cables

The Net Zero Project has partnered with the Ocean Startup Project to design and promote three challenges for its 2022 Ocean Startup Challenge.

The Ocean Startup Challenge helps turn entrepreneurial ideas or technology into a wave of opportunity! For 2022, the Ocean Startup Challenge is focusing on idea/early stage ocean startups with a TRL of 4 and below, and supporting innovators who are leveraging Canadian ocean assets and capabilities to develop technologies that can be applied to global ocean problems.

Winning teams will receive up to $40,000 in awards, with invaluable business development supports with programming, mentorship, one-on-one sessions with our Executives-in-Residence and industry experts, networking opportunities and more, as part of the program, which runs until March 2023.


Develop a more reliable and lower-cost technology and/or process to monitor and manage the subsea assets of clean energy infrastructure that will withstand the challenges presented by the North Atlantic (e.g., icebergs, geology, weather conditions).

Subsea clean energy infrastructure is being installed in a wide variety of different jurisdictions and applications around the world. This includes the subsea electricity cables associated with the transmission of electricity, along with the more traditional subsea infrastructure like moorings, foundations, etc. that are required for offshore energy developments. The prospect of offshore wind development, the electrification of offshore facilities, increased electricity transmission between jurisdictions, and in situ marine vessel charging is likely to require increased subsea clean energy infrastructure on an international scale – including Canada. Ensuring maximum reliability at a low cost through digitalization and remote operations will become increasingly important and contribute to emissions reductions.

Application deadline: Thursday, September 1, 2022

More Information

NLCA Women In Construction Forum | October 27, 2022

The Women in Construction Forum will provide a platform for educational and professional development, along with an opportunity to network with like-minded women in the construction industry.

This event will empower women to continue to grow and achieve success in the industry with a “We’re Better Together” motto supporting women as we rise by lifting others.

Learn more and register