econext in partnership to study greenhouse gas reductions and pathways to net zero in offshore industry

Via Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador at:

For Immediate Release:
February 21, 2022

St. John’s, NL – Newfoundland and Labrador’s environmental and oil and gas industries are collaborating to examine options to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the province’s offshore oil and gas industry.

Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador (ERI) is providing $440,070 of a total project value of $723,820 to econext and Noia (Newfoundland and Labrador Oil and Gas Industries Association) to conduct a project titled Net Zero Pathways and the Feasibility of Blue Hydrogen Production in Canada’s Offshore Oil and Gas Industry. The funding comes from Natural Resources Canada’s Emissions Reduction Fund, Offshore RD&D program, which is managed and administered by Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador. OilCo is contributing $137,500 to the overall project. The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) is making a non-repayable contribution of $146,250 to econext to support the Net Zero Pathways.

The study will provide detailed pathways for Canada’s offshore oil and gas industry to achieve net zero GHG emissions targets in offshore oil and gas production by 2050, while maintaining economic development and industry growth. Through the project, econext and Noia will:

  • compile available data and fill information gaps;
  • evaluate known emissions reduction technologies and processes for their financial feasibility, net environmental impact, and local economic development contribution;
  • formulate options for achieving net zero by 2050; and
  • study the feasibility of generating blue hydrogen offshore, including determining opportunities and interdependencies with carbon capture and storage, electrification, additional gas development, and other technologies.

Another project, Terra Nova Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Flare Reduction Study, is investigating installing a closed flare system on the vessel to reduce GHG emissions. Suncor will complete front-end engineering and design (FEED) studies to determine the feasibility of installing a closed flare system on the vessel to improve gas compression train-related flaring. Suncor is receiving $678,762 from the Emissions Reduction Fund to complete the study.

“These projects will fill important information gaps for the local energy industry. ERI is able to facilitate collaboration across companies, organizations and industries to develop solutions to reduce GHGs from offshore operations, while still ensuring the future of our industry and the important role it plays to our province,” said Dave Finn, CEO, Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador.

“Through the Offshore Research, Development and Demonstration stream of the Emissions Reduction Fund, the Government of Canada is supporting innovative research and development to decarbonize offshore operations. These projects will help advance clean technology in the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore oil and gas industry and help Canada reach net-zero emissions by 2050,” said the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources.

“We need to lower emissions and build up renewables in Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore. Investors are choosing jurisdictions that take climate change seriously, and our industry is taking the initiative. We believe in our workers, in this industry, and in their future. We’re continuing to invest in them, and in the research and development that will get us to net zero by 2050,” said the Honorable Seamus O’Regan, Minister of Labour and Member of Parliament for St. John’s South-Mount Pearl.

“The Government of Canada has made a commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. ACOA’s contribution to the econext project is an important step in that direction. We know that protecting the environment and growing the economy go hand in hand. This investment is helping us do just that,” said the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

About Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador
Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador (ERI) advances research, development and demonstration (RD&D) and innovation projects in the offshore oil and gas industry, with a focus on health, safety and the environment. ERI is a federally incorporated, not-for-profit organization whose members include Chevron Canada Resources, Equinor Canada, ExxonMobil Canada, Cenovus, Oil and Gas Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador and Suncor Energy.


Recipient: econext, Noia
Project Title: Net Zero Pathways and the Feasibility of Blue Hydrogen Production in Canada’s Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
Emissions Reduction Fund Support: $440,070

The objective of this project is to outline detailed pathways for Canada’s offshore oil and gas industry to achieve both net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets by 2050 and economic development and industry growth. There are many technologies and processes that can be deployed in the pursuit of emissions reductions. This project will narrow the possibilities to a manageable number of pathways or scenarios that can be continuously refined and updated when technical or financial circumstances change. This work will incorporate an assessment of the feasibility of the production of hydrogen in Canada’s offshore industry. Hydrogen is increasingly being viewed nationally and internationally as being an important fuel in the fight against climate change. Clearly understanding its potential role in Canada’s offshore oil and gas industry is an important information gap that must be addressed as part of the development of net zero pathways.

Recipient: Suncor Energy Inc. (NL)
Project Title: Terra Nova FPSO Flare Reduction Study
Emissions Reduction Fund Support: $678,762
On average, daily background flaring results in approximately 25-30% of Terra Nova’s current greenhouse gas emissions. Flare gas is a by-product of oil production and processing during normal operations that is released from different sources in the process system. This gas is sent to flare to be burned off, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of this project is to complete front-end engineering and design (FEED) studies focusing on reducing flaring on the FPSO (floating production, storage and offloading vessel). The study will assess the technical feasibility of installing a closed flare system on the Terra Nova FPSO and reducing gas compression train-related flaring.

Media contact:
Lynn Evans

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  • Saint Kitts and Nevis Market Information Session | March 9, 2022

    Wednesday, March 9, 2022

    10:30 am – 11:30 am NDT / 10:00 am – 11:00 am AST / 9:00 am – 10:00 am EST

    If you’re an Atlantic Canadian business interested in doing business with Saint Kitts and Nevis, join us on March 9th to learn more!


    10:30 – 10:35 | Welcome & Introductions
    Abbie Hodder, COO + International Business

    10:35 – 10:40 | Opening Remarks
    H. E. Lilian Chatterjee
    Canadian High Commissioner to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean

    10:40 – 10:55 | Introduction to Saint Kitts and Nevis – Economy & the Environment, Challenges and Successes
    H.E. Sherry Tross
    High Commissioner to Canada, Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

    10:55 – 11:10 | Doing Business in Saint Kitts and Nevis – Business Environment & Opportunities
    Kevin Hope, Executive Director
    Saint Kitts and Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce

    11:10 – 11:30 | Q & A and Closing Remarks
    Abbie Hodder, COO + International Business

    Learn more and register here

    Call for Proposals – Mining Innovation and Commercialization Accelerator (MICA) Network

    One of the mandates of the Mining Innovation and Commercialization Accelerator (MICA) Network is to provide access to leverage funding for high-impact innovative clean technologies within one of the following four technical themes:

    • Increase Mine Production Capacity, at Lower Cost.
    • Reduce Mining Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions.
    • Implement Smart, Autonomous Mining Systems.
    • Reduce Environmental Risk and Long-Term Liabilities.

    The investment in the projects is to advance made-in-Canada solutions, commercialize new, late-stage, high impact mining technologies and accelerate the number and scale of SMEs engaged in mining. MICA is led by The Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation (CEMI) of which Newfoundland and Labrador’s College of the North Atlantic is a partner.

    Click for More Information

    econext asking Newfoundland and Labrador’s municipalities to help it build climate change action project list

    econext is seeking input from municipalities across Newfoundland and Labrador to help it build a list of climate change actions that they are hoping to pursue.

    These actions can range from climate change mitigation projects (e.g., initiatives that help decrease greenhouse gas emissions) to adaptation projects (e.g., infrastructure improvements to protect from changing weather conditions) to other environmental projects such as wastewater treatment and waste management.

    With more information from municipalities on their climate action priorities, econext can work more proactively and deliberately to support them on a one-on-one basis to pursue partnerships and funding.

    Interested municipalities are asked to fill out the survey via the link below. Questions about this initiative can be sent to econext‘s Executive Director, Kieran Hanley, at

    Click to Participate

    Accelerating Cleantech Innovation in Oil & Gas Program

    De-risking investments in cleantech

    Canada’s oil and gas sector has ambitious targets to reduce emissions and be a global leader in producing clean hydrocarbons for energy and other uses.

    Clean technology companies across the country, internationally and on academic campuses may have little direct experience with the regionally concentrated oil and gas sector. This creates a technical and cultural communications gap that can make collaboration challenging.

    Similarly, young professionals outside of oil and gas are not aware of the extent and pace of innovation within the oil and gas sector, or of the opportunities for material beneficial environmental impact through professional work focused on the oil and gas sector.

    Canada Cleantech Alliance’s “Accelerating Cleantech Innovation in Oil & Gas” program, a collaboration with the Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN), is designed to de-risk investments in clean technology for oil & gas companies. It will mobilize and support cleantech innovators to deliver and successfully commercialize innovations that can reduce the oil & gas sector’s emissions and footprint from source to end use.

    The program consists of six components:

    • January 2022: Program launch
    • January/February 2022: Application period for cleantech companies with solutions (TRL 2-5) in one or more of CRIN’s seven Technology Theme Areas. Apply here.
    • March 2022: Innovation in oil & gas training for selected ventures (in collaboration with Foresight Canada)
    • April 2022: Pitch Training for short-listed ventures (in collaboration with Cycle Momentum)
    • April 2022: Pitch Session
    • May 2022: Mentorship Program launch (in collaboration with Foresight Canada)

    Learn more and apply here

    Oceanology International (Oi) 2022 – Recruitment for Exhibitors, March 15 – 17, 2022

    Connecting The Global Ocean Technology Community

    15 – 17 March 2022 | London, Excel
    22 – 23 March 2022 | Virtual

    Discover an ocean of opportunity

    Oceanology International brings together 500+ exhibitors in the only event that links the three key players in the industry: businesses, academics and government. Visit us in 2022 for innovative live on-water demonstrations and interactive seminars looking into the future of our industry.

    With over 8,000 attendees targeted for 2022, it is a must-attend event for those involved in exploring, monitoring, developing or protecting the world’s oceans, from seabed to surface and beyond.

    Join us at ExCel London to discover game-changing innovations and solutions transforming the future of ocean technology.

    Learn more and register here

    Securing Your First Pilot Customer by Ocean Startup Project – Virtual Workshop

    Discover the steps you can take to secure your first pilot customer.

    About the Workshop

    In this virtual workshop led by Eric Siegel, we will discuss how you can secure your first pilot customer for your ocean business. The session will help you determine which customers will make good pilot partners and which you should steer away from. You will be given tools to develop customer commitment and understand what value you should expect to receive from a pilot. We will address common terms of engagement for pilots, how you can develop letters of intent (LOIs), and some tactics to convert pilots into more sales.

    About Eric Siegel

    Eric has broad experience in many aspects of oceanographic and subsea technology, measurements, and science. He has held leadership positions in ocean technology companies directing sales, marketing, business development, product development, and manufacturing. Eric is a demonstrated growth leader with market depth, technical expertise, and trusted global relationships. Eric is trained in physical oceanography, naval architecture and marine engineering, and earned an MBA with a focus on leadership, innovation, and global business. Eric actively mentors a cohort of ocean technology ventures in Canada’s Ocean Startup Project and is on the Board of Directors at Sustainable Oceans Applied Research and Sail Nova Scotia. When not helping ocean scientists and companies, Eric is an active sailor, having crossed both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on his small boats, and now racing Bluenose Class Sloops in Halifax.

    Learn more and register here

    OCEANS 2022 Chennai, February 21-24

    The event for global maritime professionals to learn, innovate, and lead in the protection and utilization of the world’s largest natural resource – our Oceans.

    OCEANS is a bi-annual event for global marine researchers, technologists, engineers, students, and policymakers. The researchers and industrial leaders gather for four days to highlight, discuss and exchange relevant topics and current trends in marine technologies. This will help in creating awareness on advanced research areas, practices, and policies for the marine field. The Marine Technology Society and the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society partner to present OCEANS, and this prestigious conference and exhibition draw an audience of more than 2,000 attendees:

    • Over 500 professionally reviewed technical papers, including sessions focused on local themes.
    • Plenary sessions with leaders from industry, academia, the military and government.
    • 100+ exhibitors showcasing the latest innovations in products and services across the globe.
    • A student poster session featuring outstanding projects from around the world and other student activities.
    • Tutorials, workshops, product demonstrations, government listening sessions, social and networking opportunities, professional field trips etc.

    Learn more and register here